More than one year the Ukrainian fighters who needed the rehabilitation after the terrible injuries are hosted by the Lithuanian Republic, which is friendly to Ukraine. Since the first day the important mission such as concern for the Ukrainian guests in the Lithuania is executed by Mr. Ramunas Serpatauskas, commander of the 3rd arrows’ squadron of the Lithuanian Defense Ministry’s “The Lithuanian union of arrows”, and he is a good friend and assistant for Ukrainian soldiers. Thus, on October, 14th, Mr. Ramunas was met in Dniepropetrovsk airport by the soldiers, who had time to became friends with him, and Vitaliy Pivnyak, Honorary consul of Lithuania in Dniepropetrovsk.
The leadership of Dniepropetrovsk state regional administration has held the meeting with Mr. Serpatauskas, and on behalf of all thankful Ukrainian soldiers he was awarded with the medal “To Defenders of Motherland” of nationwide public organization “The association of veterans and force structures officers of Ukraine “Zvytyaga” for the input he had already done while the time of the cooperation.
With the assistance of the Honorary consulate of Lithuania in Dniepropetrovsk the two-day visit program of Mr.Ramunas is planned to acquaint maximum the Lithuanian friend with Dniepropetrovsk, it's culture, industrial, medical and defense complexes.