On February 23, 2018, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine Marius Janukonis opened the first Center of Lithuanian Law at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
The Center of Lithuanian Law is a platform for maintaining and establishing contacts with Lithuanian colleagues, practitioners and scholars. For cadets and students of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs there is a unique opportunity to improve the study of international legislation, to train and to intern at leading universities of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union via student exchange programmes.
Contact of the Center:

The purposes of the Center
Are to unite, coordinate and to interdisciplinary integrate the University activity with other educational institutions, establishments and organizations of Ukraine concerning studying the issues of Lithuanian legislation and European legal doctrine as a whole.
The Center implements:
Forecasting, planning, organization and coordination of research, educational and presentation work in the field of studying and adapting the norms of European law, in particular, taking into consideration the legislative system of the Republic of Lithuania in the domestic legal space. The center establishes cooperation in this area with domestic and foreign higher educational institutions, scientific organizations, establishments, government bodies and business structures.
The following activities are the priorities for the Center:
- research;
- scientific and methodical;
- educational-advisory;
- cultural and educational;
- information;
- publishing.
The Center's missions are:
Organizing and holding, including with the participation of teachers from higher educational institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, training sessions with applicants of higher education and university professors aimed at gaining knowledge of European legislation and European legal doctrine.
Facilitating the pursuit of scientific research on the actual issues of Lithuanian legislation and European legal doctrine as a whole by higher education graduates and teachers.
Searching for partners from a range of higher educational establishments, scientific institutions and other state and non-state establishments for conducting of joint educational and scientific events.
Searching for partners from a range of higher educational establishments, scientific institutions and other state and non-state establishments for conducting of joint educational and scientific events.
Conducting international conferences, scientific seminars, round tables and other similar events.
Collecting data and processing prompt dissemination of information about the conditions of study and internship in educational institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, countries of the European Union, the possibilities of participation of students and teachers in international programmes and projects.
Assisting student cadets with establishing contact with the teaching staff of higher education institutions and research institutions of the European Union.
Searching for and expanding international contacts necessary for scientific, educational, methodological and scientific-practical work.
Establishing and maintaining contacts with the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Lithuania, the countries of the European Union, foundations and missions in Ukraine.
Monitoring national legislation , legislative systems of the countries of the European Union, the Republic of Lithuania in particular, and their comparative analysis.