4-5 June in Vilnius was held the VI Congress of the honorary consuls of the Republic of Lithuania. To the meeting arrived about 123 consuls from 62 countries. These congresses are held MFA of Lithuania every third year since 2001.
President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite said in a meeting with honorary consuls that they have a mission of communication with the citizens of Lithuania and other countries as well as with Lithuanian diaspora.
"Honorary consuls play a very important role in promoting Lithuania in the world, defending its interests, promoting economic, commercial and cultural ties between our country and abroad, disseminating the objective information about Lithuania to citizens of other countries. This is especially important today, when the world`s security has been under the threat and information warfare has taking place "- said Ms. Dalia Grybauskaite.
At the meeting was also discussion of the economic diplomacy issues and the searching of new markets for Lithuanian products, stimulating entrepreneurship and foreign investments. The President noticed that the contribution of Honorary Consuls is important for the national economy in stimulating the cooperation of Lithuanian business with entrepreneurs of other countries.
Dalia Grybayskaite, President of Lithuania while her speech to Honorary consuls
According to the Head of State, Lithuania has successfully overcome economic difficulties and is recognized internationally as a reliable business partner. Economy of Lithuania is one of the most rapidly developed, and the rate of decline of the unemployment rate is one of the fastest in the whole European Union. There are more foreign direct investments and are opening the centers of commercial services in Lithuania such world giants as «NASDAQ», «AIG» and «Skandia».
Family photo: Honorary consuls' meeting with Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania
The Forum of Baltic investors was discussed the topic of global economy, was held the presentation of Lithuanian business interests and opportunities.
At the meeting with Prime Minister of Lithuania Mr. Arhidas Byutkyavichus was discussed the prospects of Lithuania's foreign policy, strategic relationships in the world in the wiev of global challenges.
Family photo: Honorary consuls' meeting with Mr. Algirdas Byutkyavichus, Prime Minister of Lithuania
Honorary Consuls had the opportunity to share their experiences and to get answers on the questions about the Consular support of Lithuanian citizens abroad at the meeting with Regional Departaments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.
Honorary Consuls of Lithuania to Ukraine expressed their deep gratitude to the President of Lithuania Mrs. Dali Grybauskaite and to the whole friendly country for the permanent and strong position in supporting Ukraine in the world and defending its interests, the direction of Ukraine into the EU as a worthy partner among European countries.
Family photo: Honorary consuls of Lithuania with Linas Linkevicius, Foreign Minister of Lithuania
The Honorary consuls of Lithuania in Ukraine and Georgia near Government house
From left to right: Honorary consuls of Lithuania in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Georgia
Vitaliy Pivnayk, Honorary consul with his spouse Mrs.Tetiana Titarchuk, and
Arvidas Daynoravicius, Ambassador at large of Lithuanian MFA
From left to right: Svaja Vansauskas, Honorary consul of Lithuania in Alaska with her spouse,
and Vitaliy Pivnyak, Honorary consul of Lithuania in Ukraine
From left to right: Vitaliy Pivnyak, Honorary consul in Dniepropetrovsk, Yevgen Lavrov, Honorary consul in Zhytomyr,
Asta Andriyauskeine, Head of Ukraine and Moldova Division Easten Neighbourhood Policy Department
Bn.Jean J.A.C.M.G. Hous, Honorary consul of Lithuania in Belgium and
Vitaliy Pivnyak, Honorary consul of Lithuania in Dniepropetrovsk
Photos and text – Tetiana Titarchuk, Senior Advisor of the Honorary consulate