Honorary consulate of the Republic of Lithuania

Former Prime Minister of Lithuania visit Dnipro

On November 16-17, 2017 there was held Dnipro Economic Forum, a major event in Ukraine aimed at establishing a constructive dialogue between national and international partners in the investment, innovation and economic spheres.

More than 100 speakers and experts were invited to the forum, who had to answer key issues of state development.


On the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine and the Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Dnipro, one of the key speakers of DEF'2017 has been Andrius Kubilius, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania (1999-2000 and 2008-2012), and now the deputy of the Seimas of Lithuanian Republic. Gvidas Kerusauskas, Plenipotentiary Minister of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine has also visited the Forum. Mr. Andrius Kubilius is a longtime friend of Ukraine and one of the co-authors and initiators of the Marshall Plan for Ukraine. In this regard, the interest and attention to the Forum have been raised.

"The Marshall Plan for Ukraine" provides for the allocation of $ 5 billion per year, "said Mr. Kubilius. “We will present the ‘Marshall Plan for Ukraine’ at the Eastern Partnership Summit in November, where, we hope, mention of this document will appear in the final declaration of the summit (and then in DEF`2017 report),” he said. “Let me just note that the Project has already been formally supported by the Congress of the European People's Party. "

Also, the MP noted that the emphasis should be not on the amount, but on the systematization of existing cash flows and control of their intended use. It is known that all the institutions involved in the assistance plan – the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the International Monetary Fund – have some experience in Ukraine, the provision of funds, and control over their use. But, at the same time, the system is still not set up. Our goal is to combine national efforts, donor efforts and cash flows and strengthen administrative capacity for developing these funds. “It is very important for us that the support provided to Ukraine be effective so that donors willingly spend money on it, so that they won’t have doubts in the transparency of their use, "- said the former head of the parliament.


According to the Forum's programme, Mr Kubilius also participated in the plenary session on topic "Strategic Reforms and Competitiveness of Ukraine" with, Andriy Pyshnyi – Chairman of the Board of JSC "Oschadbank", Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Roman Vaschuk and many other high officials.

"I believe that Dnipropetrovsk region is purposely chosen as a platform for the Forum, as it is a region that demonstrates stable economic development and we have always been an example of effective cooperation between business and government institutions. The Honorary Consulate has been acting for four years, during which we have proven ourselves as a worthy diplomatic representation of the European state in Dnipropetrovsk region. During this time, many Europeans were able to get information, share knowledge, share experiences and find partners in Dnipropetrovsk region. I shoud note that the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania will continue to develop the Ukrainian-Lithuanian relations, which will contribute to local development on the way of European integration of Ukraine," said Vitaliy Pivnyak.


"Dnipro Economic Forum'2017 is a good opportunity to represent Ukraine for domestic and foreign investors as a modern European state with a great economic potential. I hope such an initiative will continue in the future,"- summed up Andrius Kubilius.



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