Honorary consulate of the Republic of Lithuania


On February 23, 2018, in the city of Dnipro Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania Marius Janukonis officially opened the first center of Lithuanian law in Ukraine. The implementation of this new project for Dnipropetrovsk region became possible due to the joint efforts of Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, on the basis of which a center was created.


"From now on, the issue of the adapting of Ukrainian legislation to European standards has come to a new level. Standards and recommendations for a new system of Ukrainian law will be developed in the center of Lithuanian law on the basis of Lithuanian jurisdiction . Now students and cadets of the university have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of international law, to study and practice in the leading universities of Lithuania. Moreover, the center of Lithuanian law will allow teachers to deepen the connection with European fellow lawyers," the Ambassador noted.


During the meeting, Marius Janukonis, representing the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Dnipropetrovsk University of Internal Affairs.


"This is the result of our beneficial cooperation with Lithuania, which began in 2017, we hope for a further close relationship in the legal sphere,"- Yevhen Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs said.



"The opening of the Center of Lithuanian Law is symbolic, because Lithuania recently celebrated its 100th anniversary of the restoration of its statehood. – Vitaliy Pivnyak, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Dnipro said. Ukraine needs to harmonize its legislation and adopt European standards of law. Lithuania, as always, is ready to assist us in our European integration aspirations. "


The ceremonial opening of the center of Lithuanian law was visited by the leadership of Dnipropetrovsk region including Glib Prygunov, the head of Dnipropetrovsk regional council, Volodymyr Yurchenko, the deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Vitaliy Lytvyn, the advisor to the head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration and Vitaliy Glukhoveria, the head of main division of the National Police of Ukraine in Dniproptrovsl Region.

"We are very grateful to Lithuania's overall position as well as the personal position of President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who supports Ukraine on the international scene. I am sure that the opening of the center will allow young people to copy the respect to the law that is directly in Lithuania," Glib Prygunov, the head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council said.

With the assistance of Vitaliy Pivnyak, meetings of the delegation of the Embassy with Oleg Kuzhnan , the first deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration (further DniproRSA), Volodymyr Tyurin, the deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, Boris Filatov, the Mayor of the city Dnipro and Gennadiy Pivnyak, the rector of National technical university (further NTU) Dnipro Polytechnic were held.


The first deputy head of regional state administration mentioned the already implemented cooperation programmes between Lithuania and Ukraine, and also stressed out that the team of the head of DniproRSA welcomes new ideas and projects.


At the meeting with Dnipro Mayor, during the open dialogue, the parties discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the cultural sphere – holding of a symbolic swimming race in the river Dnipro on historical Lithuanian boats in July 2018. Boris Filatov promised his full support for the project.


The meeting with the rector of NTU Dnipro Polytechnic (until 2018, National Mining University) was dedicated to the results and prospective directions of cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University.


In addition to the intensive business programme, the leadership of Dnipro Polytechnic introduced Lolita Yanukonene (the spouse of the Ambassador of Lithuania to Ukraine) to the University's work and philosophy as well as showed her around the Museum of Geology.


Marius Janukonis became the first foreign diplomat to be presented a new English-speaking panoramic film in the 360-degree format about the conflict in the East of Ukraine, the aggression of Russia and the civil feat of the inhabitants of Dnipropetrovsk region in this war in the first ATO museum in Ukraine.

The day, full of interesting communication, was completed with a wonderful concert of Vilnius State String Quartet. That was a present of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine and Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Dnipro to the inhabitants of the city, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the Lithuanian state. It should be emphasized that, the melody of Myroslav Skoryk, a Ukrainian composer, performed by Lithuanian first-class musicians, sounded at the end of the concert. Doubtlessly, this shows the sincerity of friendship between the two peoples and respect for Ukrainian culture.





Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Ukraine Marius Janukonis couldn't help taking opportunity to visit the Lithuanian diaspora living in Kamyanske. So, on February 24, the delegation of the Embassy visited Kamyanska School of Arts, headed by prominent figures of art Albertas and Henrietta Rozher, where he enjoyed the music performed by the pupils of the school.

Another important event was the visit to Roman Catholic parish of St. Nicholas, where usually residents of Kamenske city have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful art of classical music performed by Albertas and Henrietta’ ensemble .

"In the walls of the church, Lithuanian compositions produce an unforgettable spiritual impression not only on the listeners, but also on the performers themselves, owing to the acoustics and unique atmosphere of this 120 year old temple," – Henrietta Rozher said.


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