On July, 14, in the Honorary consulate of Lithuanian Republic in Dniepropetrovsk was held the meeting of Honorary consul Vitaliy Pivnyak with Consul General of Germany in Donetsk Detlef Wolter, whose office now are in Dniepropetrovsk due to unsustable security situation in Donetsk region.
While the meeting the sides have exanged their thoughts concerning the prospects to resolve conflict on the East of Ukraine and the role of foreign diplomatic corps and international organisations’ representatives to keep peace precess and to build the dialog of the official Kyiv with the separatists. Mr. Wolter has shared about the obstacles while the transmission humanitarian aid from Germany to the territories near ATO zone. In his turn, Mr. Pivnyak has agreed with the expressed worry about the difficult process to receive the humanitarian aid by the Ukrainian side in its regions for example the humanitarian aid from Lithuania. The positive note in the end of meeting has become the unanimous hope, that Ukrainian legislation would be adapted to the European Union legislation in the nearest prospect. Considering that Ukrainian goverment has directed the course of inrernal reforms towards decentralization authority on the eve of the local government election, very important aspect of the reforms’ success has been determined by the diplomats such as the compliance with laws and the rule of law.
Honorary consul has noted, despite that Germany consulate general were forced to change its location due to compelling reasons, the increase of diplomatic corps representatives in Dniepropetrovsk region has symbolized the growing importance of the city and region side by side with Kyiv capital. Territorially Dniepropetrovsk is the nearest to the occupied regions, which disputable is the cause of functioning the strong volunteer movement in our city side by side with the implementation of international humanitarian projects.